Sunday, December 9, 2012

Very few relationships have quite the level of communication that a pair of best friends do. Personally, I tell my best friend Taylor EVERYTHING. & I do mean everything. She does the same for me. I like that we don't have secrets and there isn't a thing we can't talk about.
Until now.
The one time in the existence of our friendship that I will have to be quiet and keep a secret from her. Her boyfriend is currently in California, about a 24-hour drive from our home of Leavenworth, KS. He is coming for a visit over our winter break. He messaged me asking for my help on something, but that I had to swear I wouldn't tell her.
He asked for my help in planning his proposal to her.
I haven't been this excited to keep something from someone, ever.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Election

I feel as if, tomorrow it just going to be one giant argument. I doubt I'll even want to check social networks or go to class because all that will happen is people jumping down each others' throats about two guys who are contending to this "not so great" country.
But at the same time, I'll stay up late to watch the election results. I'll either wake up relieved on Wednesday, or wake up and pack my things and head to Canada for the next 4 years.
Either way, we aren't going to advance much. I don't know why people expect so much out of one person who, in reality, has little power to begin with. What matters are the House and Senate members, but I can guarantee most people can't name any of the candidates for their own state.
How pathetic.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Presidential Debate Thoughts

I'm voting for Obama. Plain & simple.
When you're watching the debate in a residential hall with a crowd of other students and Obama says he will keep tuition low, the sound created is the equivalent to that of an atomic bomb going off.
Romney can't keep his plan straight. He's standing there talking about the middle class like he didn't say he wouldn't support the 47% just a couple weeks ago. Talking about small businesses, when the only people who support him are big monopolies and businesses.
I'm just sick of them dogging on each other; pointing out what the other will do but never saying what they themselves WILL DO.
"My plan is not like anything tried before." It's the same plan that was tried in Bush's first term. The whole reason we're in this damn mess.
I literally just can't stand Romney's voice. Or his appearance. He reminds me of a used car salesman; one of the many people you can't trust.
Romney, SHUT UP AND STOP TALKING ABOUT TAXES. Start talking about how you feel about abortion and things of that sort. That was really my deciding point as to why I REALLY don't like him. Telling me how to control my body and what I do with it is ridiculous. At least Obama realizes that a bunch of MEN in Washington D.C. shouldn't be making decisions and laws about WOMEN'S HEALTH.
I think it's funny when people say things like, "I don't like either candidate because we're f*cked either way." Well, if we're f*cked either way, I'm gonna vote for the dude that will let me buy Plan B in the morning.
This election is weird. I can understand why some people don't like Obama. I don't think disliking him is a good enough reason to vote for Romney. But honestly, Obama is the lesser of two evils. I see no likable characters about Romney worth voting for.
I have my views based on research that I've done. I'm so interested in politics but I hate politicians. I love a good debate if the other person actually knows some things.
HEY ROMNEY REMEMBER THAT TIME YOU VOTED FOR OBAMACARE?! CAUSE I SURE DO. Oh, and stop interrupting the damn moderator. It's HIS job to control who speaks when.
I quit. Moving to Canada.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I don't think adults realize just how essential having a cell phone or a laptop is for teenagers in today's society. Sure, when you were our age, you wrote letters and called each other's house phones. Maybe texting and Facebook messages have made us lazy, but that's how we communicate. That's who we reach each other, tell each other secrets, and deliver news. It's so much easier to send a mass text then to call 20 people. With texting, it doesn't matter if they're busy at that particular moment. The next free minute they have will be spent checking their phone, reading that message.
So yes, we do NEED our phones and our laptops. Congratulations on being born before the Internet generation. Would you like a gold star or a cookie?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Symbols, Meanings, & Messages are the basics of all communication.

Friday, August 31, 2012